• https://octoverse.github.com/2022/top-programming-languages
  • 有一篇文章讲Java在2022年还依然还有活力, 可以读一下Don’t call it a comeback: Why Java is still champ
    • After nearly 30 years of Java, you might expect the language to be showing some signs of wear and tear, but nothing could be further from the truth. Java in 2022 is not a language in decline, but rather a language preparing for the effervescent future of software development.
  • 另一个趋势是Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL)增长很快, 这和IaC的发展有很大关系. 各家云服务都提供IaC, 比如AWS的CDK. Terraform tool可以让开发者写出更加通用的IaC, 运行于各家Cloud之上.